<r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001inZZSQ12-tAuXdXgvs_pGsuj5KhRyhD05RpNBdXcOtn-fZI1lUafbThb9ddL_nxNF_Tx66UNd0bRkHm4nulKom17xTP2WOAjiX5LLX8A8YB37E4efWyhg3g2WAMSiS-l7kn14wycl5Zfby0lmQH5SSdvYdFbHS-wdTZLotUEHgd1k...> Statement from Whitby Mayor Don Mitchell on Tax Penalties Being Waived for 60 Days
In follow up to the Special Council Meeting held today, March 23, Mayor Don Mitchell shared the following:
"In light of COVID-19, this evening Council approved a number of measures to provide tax relief to residents and local businesses.
These measures include a two-month grace period (or 60-day tax deferral) on the April tax instalment with no penalty or interest charged for May or June. Additionally, the first instalment of the final billing scheduled for June will be delayed to July. We will also be providing those who use pre-authorized payments with more flexibility and options to spread out their payments.
Whitby Town Council recognizes this is an uncertain time for everyone and hopes that this announcement can provide some relief during these unprecedented times. The Town will continue to look for ways to support our residents and local businesses."
For more information on the actions the Town is taking in response to COVID-19, visit whitby.ca/coronavirus <r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001inZZSQ12-tAuXdXgvs_pGsuj5KhRyhD05RpNBdXcOtn-fZI1lUafbZMslxE4h0Sdt39BeZqETBO0G-9XF811UjwI9fQQKsG3dqcMjZUSqm3PWwUU0RZSKtN8NCYOMiJW9N5VXKWicCaQb1s7JI425nXwNJPIjOsXN0_mHPJKOCSRQ...> .
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